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Frequently Asked Questions 

As a performer and music teacher, I've received a lot of questions and heard a lot of comments about music over the years! Here are a few specific to my studio and lessons. If there's any you'd like answered, please feel free to message me! 

1. Can you teach me how to sing pop songs? 

The quick answer is yes! I will help you to understand the fundamentals of breath and alignment, and show you how those tools can translate to pop music. I will work with you on rep you want to sing, while also pushing you out of your comfort zone with different rep suggestions you may have never considered before. 

2.  How do you decide your prices?

Prices are based off of the average rate of lessons around the city, the cost of living, and my monthly expenses. If the rates seem high, please take into consideration that teachers do their best work when they have the time to prepare. With a lower rate, I would have to take on more work, resulting in stress, fatigue, and not having the adequate time to lesson plan or the energy to give you or your child 100% every lesson. When you choose teachers with a higher rate, you are investing in a higher quality lesson every time you step into the studio!  

3. Do you do in-home lessons? 

I prefer to teach out of my home, but for a higher rate, depending on availability, I would consider teaching in-home. If this is something you would like to request, please reach out to me by email so we can discuss specifics. 

4. People say I can’t sing and that I’m tone deaf, can lessons help me?  

Can you answer your phone and can tell the different between your mother or fathers voice? If so, congrats!  You are not tone deaf! In fact a very small percentage of people are actually tone deaf. I believe that anyone can sing with the right tools; just like any sport or instrument, all it takes is some guidance and practice. This can be hard work, but if you put in the effort, I promise you will see results!  

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